Experience Versus Talent Shapes the Structure of the Web

"The authors found that although experience is an asset, new and talented web sites regularly oust existing leaders."

"Analysing the rise and fall of websites is the perfect way to shed light on the old debate over whether talent or experience matters most, say mathematicians."

"The evolving Internet has been traditionally conservative in spotting talent, showing a preference for experience, which has led to the rich-gets-richer syndrome among websites, but a new study shows that upstart new websites regularly oust existing leaders by providing enhanced novelty and utility."

"Ebenso wichtig wie die "Erfahrung" einer Seite, also die Menge ihrer Verlinkungen, ist das "Talent", also das Potenzial einer Seite, viele Links zu ergattern."

"...[A]s in high school or high-fashion, popularity on the web is a fickle thing..."

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